Tuesday, July 26, 2022Each year thousands of fires are caused by clothes dryers. As a homeowner, this appliance is one you likely use often, which means it’s essential to know the fire risks clothes dryers can pose and how to prevent them. Read on to learn more about clothes dryer safety. The Stats READ MORE >>
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 If you own a home or drive a vehicle, in most instances you will have a homeowners insurance policy and an automobile insurance policy. This coverage is required by financial institutions that provide mortgages or automobile loans. READ MORE >>
Friday, May 20, 2022You probably know that smoke alarms are essential features of your home, but do you know why? Smoke detectors allow you to take quick action when a fire starts in your home. In emergencies like this, acting fast is crucial, as it will enable you to help keep yourself and your family safe from danger. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 25, 2022Many homeowners are looking for the best deal when it comes to their home insurance. They want to get the coverage they need, but they don’t want to pay a lot for the coverage. It’s natural to want to save as much as possible on monthly expenses. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, October 20, 2021While home insurance gives you peace of mind in case of an emergency, filing a claim requires quite a lot of specific information. Organizing your information and preparing for the process ahead of time simplifies the claim process and reduces stress after a natural disaster or break-in. READ MORE >>
Friday, May 14, 2021Having homeowners insurance on your property is essential to your own security. After all, it helps you both maintain your property and protect your finances in case of hazardous accidents. However, in order to perform optimally, your policy must be tailored to your property, specifically. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 3, 2021 When determining your home insurance premiums, insurers will gauge how much of a risk you are to invest in. If your chances of filing a claim are much higher than those of the average homeowner, then you are likely to pay a much higher premium overall. On one hand, insurers use very different formulas to measure risks posed by clients. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 When you buy a home, you’ll usually have a plot of land that you’ll receive with the house itself. You’ll often find it a fun and rewarding experience to landscape, plant and decorate your yard as you see fit. In many cases, your landscaping becomes an asset to your home and might even raise your property value. READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 8, 2020 Now more than ever, people are turning to themselves for direction and starting up their own businesses. It can be empowering to be your own boss and adhere to your own schedule, but it can also bring a lot of risk—especially if your business deals with clients. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, June 2, 2020 We all might miscalculate our turning radius or forget to look behind us when reversing. So, if you’ve mistakenly backed your car into your house, you might wonder how your insurance will help you out. When it comes to household damage, then your homeowners insurance will often apply. READ MORE >>
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