Kinneman Insurance Blog: insurance
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Tuesday, November 15, 2022 The first day of a new job can bring feelings of excitement and nervousness for many people. As an employer, you know how important it is that your new employees feel welcome and comfortable, especially on their first day. Here are some ways to accomplish this task: READ MORE >>
Friday, October 14, 2022When you’re choosing an auto insurance plan, it’s important to consider all your assets and find a plan that best protects them. You should also consider any risks you may face on the road. Choosing a plan can sometimes be confusing, but you may be able to avoid that feeling by paying special attention to these five common mistakes: READ MORE >>
Friday, September 16, 2022 Your vehicle is a significant and expensive investment, which is why it is important to consider all your options when it comes to auto insurance. Learning how auto insurance rates are determined can help you understand your needs and find a plan that’s right for you. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, August 16, 2022In today’s data-driven environment, businesses face more cyber risks than ever before. Cyber risk is a growing threat to all companies, regardless of size. A basic business owner’s policy may not include coverage for cyber threats. What Are Cyber Threats? READ MORE >>
Friday, July 29, 2022Have you ever tried to read your insurance policy? If so, you will probably find that it is a complex legal contract that may be difficult to understand if you, like most people, are not familiar with the terminology and how these agreements are structured. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, July 26, 2022Each year thousands of fires are caused by clothes dryers. As a homeowner, this appliance is one you likely use often, which means it’s essential to know the fire risks clothes dryers can pose and how to prevent them. Read on to learn more about clothes dryer safety. The Stats READ MORE >>
Thursday, July 21, 2022 We all think of life insurance as a way to replace household income in the event of the loss of a spouse or partner. Typically, life insurance covers the income of the working spouse(s). But what about a stay-at home spouse? READ MORE >>
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 If you own a home or drive a vehicle, in most instances you will have a homeowners insurance policy and an automobile insurance policy. This coverage is required by financial institutions that provide mortgages or automobile loans. READ MORE >>
Friday, June 24, 2022Beware Windshield Repair Scams How many times have you been driving and something hits your windshield? It may be a tiny rock or piece of gravel but it creates a pinpoint crack. You think you can ignore it but then it starts to grow, until you realize the crack must be repaired. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 15, 2022Simply purchasing a life insurance policy isn’t the end of the process. It’s recommended that you review your life insurance policy every year so that you can make adjustments based on changes in your life. You could even find cheaper rates by shopping around. READ MORE >>
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